domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008
A: The first one.'Most people poor that rich in colombia.' Yes, I think that´s false, because the place I live it have people rich.
D: Mmmm I´m not sure. Because in colombian has people poor that rich. The answer is true.
A: I thinkthe question is false definitely.
D: THE next one. 'Most people don´t like the violence'. Yes, that´s true. And you sure!
A: I´m sure that the questions is true because the people don´t like the violence.
D: And the next one... ' Most poor childrens that not going in the school'. Yes, I think that´s true.
A: Mmmm. Really I think is false, because there are most childrens don´t like school.
D: Okay, the next one... 'Most old people don´t like the tecnology'. Mmmm no, I think that´s false, because yes old people really like tecnology. Because for they it is very important.
A: No, I don´t think it is false... I thjink that´s true, because they not know to handlethe tecnology.
Diana Lorena Monje 200821590
Angela Alejandra Aranda 200821218
My routine day

miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008
Postcard Correstion

Viviana Cobos Guerrero
I am in colombia, in Bogotá! The weather this places is very cold, it is sometimes hot. sometimesit rains,but it is an unexpected weather. I am studying at the Sabana university and
I am very happy with the people there. The place is beautiful and nice mainly the campus of the university. The class room are big and comfortablec. The food is delicious because my fovorite food is the chinise rice.
In this place thereare verious restaurants. The is a library. there is also a lake and many trees. A place where we can practice sports, some abilities, in short many things to enjoy run study.
My tecchers are very intelligent, very kind and good people. Also they teach very importantand interesting things, I should learn of these whole studies.
I love my university it is very beautiful and nice I. Other universities are awful! And there are problems with other people.
I hope to see you soon.
with love Diana Monje Molano.
Viviana Cobos Guerrrero.
Diagonal 24 Number 43 to 49 south.
Venezuelan, Caracas.
domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2008

My house is on the puente aranda locate.
The puente aranda locate is in the bogota city.
The puente aranda locate limit at north with six avenue, at south with primera de mayo avenue or ciudad montes east with de los comuneros avenue or autopista south avenue. At west with ferrocarril avenuer congreso eucaristico.
In Bogotá we’ll fine a diferent turistic places. The 93 park, Enrique Olaya Herrera National park, Santa Bárbara Alta park, Tercer Milenio and Timiza park. Of the mertirres park and Simón Bolívar park. The Simon Bolivar squar, the Nieves squar, the Peridis squar. The Gold musium, the National musium. The sancture Monserrate and Guadalupe. The Virgilio Barco bibliotec, the Luis Angel Arango bibliotec and Tintal bibliotec. The Tunal park and the Nariños palace.
The Virgilio Barco bibliotec nexto the Simon Bolivar park.
The Simon Bolivar squar is on down town in the city.
The Tintal bibliotec near to the ciudad cali avenue.
The Tunal park between the Boyaca avenue and 44 avenue.
My house limit at north with the diferent turistic places like, the 93 park, the Virrey park, Santa Barbara Alta park, Simon Bolivar park, the Nieves squar, the peridis squar, the National musium, the Virgilio Barco bibliotec, the National park, and the south with the Tunal park, the Tunal bibliotec, the Tunal comercial center, and east with the Simon Bolivar squar, the Gold musium, the Snacture Monserrate and Gudalupe, the Luis Angel Arango bibliotec and the Nariños palece, and the west with the Ttimiza park, the Tintal bibliotec and the Tintal comercial center.
Diana Lorena Monje 200821590
My house is between the neighborhood.
The park is on right of my house.
The zapatoca supermarket on left of my house.
The coratiendas supermarket is at the south of my house.
The san andresito comercial zone at north of my house.
The primavera comercial zone is on east of my house.
The ferrocarril avenue is on the left of my house.
The building is on south of my house. There are many houses in front of my house.